Month: March 2018


Be careful what you wish for in the forest at twilight, black silhouettes of trees against the fading sky, whispered invocations brushing over the fallen leaves, a promise
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In bold print the warning on the back of the package states that misuse of the product could cause disorientation, sleepwalking and confusion, but the lure of what
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Cold Skin

It is cold in the south seas at the edge of the Antarctic Circle, a desolate island of volcanic rock where a research position is one breath away
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King Cohen

“Let’s face it. Anybody will put up with anything if they think a movie’s being shot.” So says writer, producer, director and all-around cinematic legend Larry Cohen in
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On the coast of Jersey under the hot June sun the waves break against the sand and the rocks, the grass blows in the wind, and the candles
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