As thousands of Doctor Who fans descended on Cardiff at the weekend, the glorious Welsh capital took on a slightly TARDISy shade of blue.
“Whovians” from across the world
Peter Weyland, legendary founder of Weyland Industries, once famously told the TED 2023 conference, “I’d like to change the world”…
GeekChocolateers, we have a new Prometheus teaser. Kudos
First generation Trekkies such as myself (and I proudly scorn the Trekker label) know only too well how shamelessly Paramount-as-was kept putting out old wine in new bottles
The production team behind HBO and Sky Atlantic’s monstrous hit series Game of Thrones is currently in sunny Iceland filming scenes set in the ancient woodlands North of
Now in the middle of its fourth (and possibly last) season, Fringe is the brainchild of JJ Abrams, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, the men behind Lost and
The summer movie blockbuster season is truly with us, and on a raft of ebullient studio publicity and less enthusiastic word of mouth, arrives Green Lantern. Does it