A strong voice of science fiction since the seventies, Vonda N McIntyre’s novelette Of Mist, and Grass and Sand won her a Nebula, and her expansion of that
Filmed in the stunning scenery of County Donegal, Grabbers returns to its spiritual home at the Galway Fleadh Film Festival on Tuesday 10th July, but two weeks before
Though his name is not as well known as some of the big names of horror, Eduardo Sánchez is responsible for one of the biggest cinematic phenomenons of
While the exquisite face is unmistakable, the woman underneath is a chameleon, having starred in Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse as the in-demand active Sierra, taking on a new personality
Best know for presenting the shows Atom, Science and Islam and Shock and Awe: The History of Electricity, Professor Jim Al-Khalili, OBE, has been awarded the Royal Society Michael Faraday Prize
On Saturday 31st March, the Cameo Cinema in Edinburgh played host to Robin Hardy, best known for his landmark 1973 film The Wicker Man, as he attended a
Concealed under heavy makeup as Sandor “The Hound” Clegane, Knight of House Baratheon in Game of Thrones, Rory McCann may not be immediately recognisable, yet he has an
Though a decade passed between Alastair Reynolds publishing his first short story, 1990’s Nunivak Snowflakes in 1990 in Interzone and his first novel, Revelation Space, the past decade
With the Peace and War trilogy, the Worlds trilogy and the standalones The Coming, Guardian, Camouflage, Old Twentieth and The Accidental Time Machine and two of the 1970s