Tag: apocalypse

Terrible Things

A thick chemical smog hangs over the hills and the denuded trees, a lone figure in hazmat suit and gasmask making their way under the thundery skies and
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The slum districts of Chicago, 1987, Angie Pittarelli trying to make ends meet and support both herself and nephew David by working as a stripper at Revealers, harassed
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It’s the end of the world, the Hubble Space Telescope having detected “a gravitational rip” at the edge of the galaxy; within a thirty years it will have
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X-Men: Apocalypse

With a major new superhero film released almost every other month across 2016 – Deadpool, Batman v Superman, Captain America, Suicide Squad, Doctor Strange – it seems strange
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Z Nation

Do zombies eat the flesh of the dead, or only the living? Given sufficient need, will zombies even feast upon each other? Given the evidence of the pilot
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Arriving a decade too late to cash in on millennium angst, the film Legion, directed by Scott Stewart from a script co-written with Peter Schink, was over-wrought and
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