Tag: horror

Rabid Grannies

It is an annual family tradition approached with dismay and disdain, the gathering of the twisted branches of the poorly trimmed Remington family tree for the joint birthday
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The house, white against the snow, the almost-birthday girl with yellow ribbons in her hair, running downstairs and outside in her red jacket to see who the stranger
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Night of the Eagle

Confident and charismatic, despite his relative youth and inexperience Norman Taylor is a rising star at Hempnell Medical College, comfortable with the students and at lecturing in his
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The age of reason pushes only so far as the borders of the forest; beyond those branches, veiled in mist, and within the hamlets that exist in the
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It’s the end of the season at the North Sea Cottages, a summer camp retreat for gifted children, the counsellors and their charges sat around the fire as
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Crow Hand!!!

The collective term for their kind “a murder of crows,” it is a sinister but undeserved term for a genus Corvus whose many species are found the world
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Her mother an iconic filmmaker renowned in the stop motion animation community who has now lost the ability to continue her craft through crippling arthritis, Ella Blake has
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