Tag: murder

Crow Hand!!!

The collective term for their kind “a murder of crows,” it is a sinister but undeserved term for a genus Corvus whose many species are found the world
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The Coffee Table

A new baby is inevitably stressful, as is moving house; for María and Jesús Borobia the two events have coincided, little Cayetano arriving and causing disruption and making
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Blow Out

It’s a simple and understandable request for sound technician Jack Terry, his producer tired of hearing the same old screams and background noises dubbed on their latest film,
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A Perfect Enemy

A successful and internationally recognised architect, Jeremiasz Angust has returned to Paris, the city in which he once lived and worked, to deliver a lecture entitled The Perfect
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Yield to the Night

There is an old saying: act in haste, repent in leisure. For Mary Hilton, convicted of the murder of Lucy Carpenter whom she shot several times outside her
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