Tag: Patrick Wilson


It was in January 2011 that astronaut Brian Harper became a victim of the conspiracy of silence, in orbit as part of the crew of the space shuttle
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The story of Arthur “Aquaman” Curry is one which should not be; the son of a lighthouse keeper, Thomas Curry, and the Queen of Atlantis, Atlanna, who met
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Bone Tomahawk

A flexible film style, the western has continually reinvented itself for new generations. A setting as much as a genre, this allows other genres to be overlaid on
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Space Station 76

Science fiction is most often the medium of the future, looking forward to a tomorrow which may be brighter or may be troubled but will certainly be different,
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The Conjuring

Previewed at the Filmhouse, home of the Edinburgh International Film Festival, The Conjuring was introduced via a video segment from director James Wan who described the venue as
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