Tag: possession

Beyond the Door

An Englishwoman abroad, Jessica Barrett already has her hands full with two young children underfoot, precocious Ken and Gail, living in San Francisco and finding she is expecting
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When Evil Lurks

A series of gunshots ringing out in the night from near the forest, it was an ill omen heard by brothers Pedro and Jaime “Jimi” Yazurlo, investigating at
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Talk to Me

Another night in Adelaide and another house party of smoking, drinking and lighting the candle before taking hold of the embalmed hand and saying the words “talk to
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The Inhabitant

It’s hard enough being a teenage girl without believing that you are might also be cursed simply because of the family you were born into; seventeen years old,
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Dead Bride

Returning to her childhood home in the Italian countryside with her husband Richard and their infant son Seth, the accompanying memories are not good for Alyson, nightmares she
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Seven years having passed since the death of her first husband Carlo, presumed drowned at sea, despite her reticence circumstance has forced Dora to return to the home
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Sleeping rough, working for cash in his dirty hands, no questions asked, just random abuse hurled by passers-by who see nothing but a European immigrant, Tomaz has been
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It’s fresh roasted pheasant for Christmas dinner at the Henderson household, father Michael having dressed as Santa for the hunt and mother Cassie preparing the meal, Lauren and
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For We Are Many

Described as “an anthology of demonic tales,” the fifth film from Scottish horror studio Hex Films retains the tone of their four features, and indeed utilises many of
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