Tag: SyFy


A historic six bedroom, four and a half bathroom, multi-level with hardwood floors and custom woodwork, the house is for sale by the owner, medical student Megan Donovan
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Leprechaun Returns

The “immortal killer” is one of the most enduring of the horror genres, Dracula returning through endless iterations and sequels alongside Frankenstein’s monster and the Wolf Man, the
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Stake Land II

It’s ten years since the vampire plague swept across America. Ten years since Martin and Mister made their way to Canada in hopes of finding sanctuary in New
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What could be more corporate that an organisation which sought to maximise its appeal and broaden its customer base by actively turning its back on its core audience,
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Van Helsing

The process between the conception of a new television series and the broadcast of the first episode is long and complicated, involving creators who will write an outline,
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Childhood’s End

Expanded from his 1946 short story Guardian Angel, Arthur C Clarke‘s Childhood’s End has had a long and complicated path from its 1953 publication to the television miniseries
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Dark Matter

SyFyUK aired the first episode of its sci-fi comic adaptation, Dark Matter, this week and from the outset it’s gripping, but it’s not until half way through that it
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It was on March 20th 2009 that Battlestar Galactica ended its run, crossing barriers throughout its four seasons to become the most critically acclaimed science fiction show of
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Z Nation

Do zombies eat the flesh of the dead, or only the living? Given sufficient need, will zombies even feast upon each other? Given the evidence of the pilot
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High Moon

While some writer/producers can be relied on to consistently deliver viewing which is in equal measures challenging, demanding, compulsive and rewarding, Bryan Fuller alone channels a quirkiness into
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