Winston Duarte has evolved faster and more completely than any other individual of his species; indeed, by most standards he is now of an entirely different species, having
When the protomolecule opened the ring gates, thirteen hundred of them, allowing humanity access to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, vast, unexplored regions of space and the
The Rocinante is getting old, and so is her crew, James Holden, Naomi Nagata, Alex Kamal, Amos Burton, Bobbie Draper and Clarissa Mao. It’s been thirty years since
With factions breaking into fractions, the established systems of governance dissolving as the infrastructure crumbles and hope attenuates into the vacuum, scrabbling in the dirt of what remains
He’s no stranger to fantasy, having appeared in the television series Neverland and Olympus, nor to the myriad world of games, having voiced characters in Assassin’s Creed: Revelations
With their sudden refocus on science fiction and the endless network craving for new properties to acquire and exploit, it should not have been a surprise when James
Best intentions of a peaceful protest go pretty bad quickly on Ilus, the world more officially designated New Terra under the terms of Royal Charter Energy’s exploratory agreement
That the discovery of the protomolecule changed the solar system is no longer a matter of philosophical point of view: beyond the political shifts, the military actions, the