Tag: western


It’s been a bad day in a difficult job for US Border Patrol officer Angel Waters, unheeded as he tried to warn off an immigrant crossing at a
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Run, Man, Run

A country divided, President Díaz is the hardline ruler of Mexico, and while the revolutionary leader Santillana has promised his followers that change will come the years have
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Man Without a Star

Train hopping across the states from Kansas City to Wyoming, Demspey Rae seeks the great beyond, a frontier free of rules and the hated barbed wire faces he
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The Great Silence

Utah, the Great Blizzard of the winter of 1898 to 1989, the Rocky Mountains turned white save for where blood is splashed upon the snow, the great silence
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Rio Grande

Collaborators on over a dozen projects, some of them regarded as dramas, comedies, romances and war movies, it is with the western genre that both director John Ford
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High Noon

The Western one of the most enduring and adaptable of Hollywood’s genres, from the epic plains of The Searchers to the lone gunman of A Fistful of Dollars,
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