Tag: X-Men

The New Mutants

Five troubled teenagers and twenty-somethings, the only patients in a sprawling, run-down hospital, locked in their rooms at night as though they were prisoners, miles from the nearest
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Dark Phoenix

Change is the essential process of all existence, and the X-Men films have always embraced change, changing the world to accept the existence of mutants among the “normal”
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The Gifted

Following on from the critically acclaimed success of Legion, Fox continues to work on bringing the world of the X-Men to the small screen. With the initial attempt
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Even in the unpredictable world of mutants and those who hate them he was always the wild card and yet he was also the most reliable, the only
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In a world still innocent of the knowledge that mankind is evolving how would the world react to someone who says they hear voices, or claims they sometimes
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X-Men: Apocalypse

With a major new superhero film released almost every other month across 2016 – Deadpool, Batman v Superman, Captain America, Suicide Squad, Doctor Strange – it seems strange
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