Category: Film

Mr. Vampire

“People are divided into good and bad. The dead are divided into corpses and vampires… Old Master Yam is a corpse that’s on the verge of becoming a
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Female Trouble

Larger than life and impossible to ignore, teenager Dawn Davenport was always destined to become the epitome of female trouble, smoking in the school toilets, eating in class,
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Phase IV

“That spring we were all watching the events in space and wondering what the final effect would be. Astronomers argued over theory while engineers got pretty excited about
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The power of the visual medium perhaps the one true universal language, there are ideas and stories which transcend borders, questions which go beyond culture to the basis
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The Exorcist III

October 9th, 1975; Father Damien Karras falls to his death through a window and down a long flight of stone steps while performing a sanctioned exorcism on Regan
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Horror Express

In the mountains of Manchuria it lay hidden for two million years until discovered in 1906 by anthropologist Professor Sir Alexander Saxton, frozen deep inside a cave, a
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Its name has become synonymous with overambition and box office disappointment, sold by Universal Pictures as the must-see action movie of the summer of 1995 whose swelling budget
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