Tag: Ben Wheatley

In the Earth

At the edge of the forest stands Gantalow Lodge, all wood, antlers and hazard tape, last outpost beyond which entry is prohibited to the public during the epidemic
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Free Fire

“I just want everyone to go home happy from this deal,” Justine says. Her exterior says calm, but it’s not a calm situation. Just ask Frank, who is
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Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. Published in 1975, the year Margaret Thatcher rose to leadership of the Conservative Party, High-Rise was first optioned by producer
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The Killing

With most of Stanley Kubrick’s thirteen feature films now available on Blu-ray, Arrow are plugging the last gap in the list by releasing two of his earliest, The
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The ABCs of Death

The portmanteau horror is not new, a staple of Amicus Productions from Doctor Terror’s House of Horrors to The Monster Club, crossing the Atlantic to Romero’s Creepshow and
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The great British holiday. The staycation. Caravanning. A series of phrases as misleadingly optimistic as the hopes of the British film industry, yet in Sightseers all these things
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