The Forever War by Joe Haldeman is a science fiction staple and a firm favourite of the GeekChocolate staff.
The classic 1974 novel tells the story of William Mandella,
Richard Morgan changed from award winning science fiction writer to award winning fantasy writer, Stephen King has written in a plethora of diverse styles, and amongst his juveniles
There’s no business like show business, allegedly, but increasingly it would seem that the business that show prefers to be like is itself. While sequels, remakes and spinoffs
“I’d been off Earth for so long I didn’t recognise the sound of gunfire.”
So begins the sobering return to the planet of their birth for the characters who
With the Peace and War trilogy, the Worlds trilogy and the standalones The Coming, Guardian, Camouflage, Old Twentieth and The Accidental Time Machine and two of the 1970s
Few books can be read by a contemporary audience and still stand as modern masterpieces without account being taken of the context. There are timeless works still relevant