In his mansion in his vineyard in France, the old man sleeps, dreaming of old friends and the times they would share together, playing cards far beyond the
Astonishingly the tenth film in the X-Men series, Hugh Jackman is the only actor to have appeared in every single instalment, even if only a cameo in a
It doesn’t need to have big money, it doesn’t need to have big names, it just needs good ideas, honesty, enthusiasm and determination. Released in 2013, writer/director Jeremy
When an actor is associated with a single specific character which has transcended genre to become iconic, it is sometimes difficult to disassociate those memories when they are
Despite their erratic timeline and release pattern, the forthcoming release of X Men: Days of Future Past will be the seventh entry in that franchise in fourteen years,
First generation Trekkies such as myself (and I proudly scorn the Trekker label) know only too well how shamelessly Paramount-as-was kept putting out old wine in new bottles