“We sacrificed high art for world peace. I think it’s a fair trade.” So speaks Margaret Mond, a regional controller of Western Europe presiding over the British Isles,
Like drones they scurry around the space, carrying out their tasks, bearing their packages, their boxes marked with various destinations, Leamington Spa, Cardiff, Fort William, the distant postal
Kevin McMahon, scientist, inventor, bow tied magician; he may not yet have mastered the art (or science) of time travel but he is certainly a mad man with
“I’m a hungry diabetic begging on the streets for sugar, and these men, these Romulans, they have cake.” Ellen Waddell is better with words than she is with
Against a blackboard of equations, chemical reactions, waveform analyses, particle interactions and circuit diagrams, Professor Bernard Andromeda is hard at work, but his devotion to science, his “preoccupation
As a native of Edinburgh, it is natural that the most famous creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle will feature frequently as a subject of the productions of
Stephen Tobolowsky is one of those actors; he has been in everything, he has worked with everyone, he has appeared onscreen alongside countless A-list actors under the eye
The thunder rumbles and the rain rolls down the windows, and by torchlight Theodore explores the darkened chambers of the country house he shares with his siblings, pulling