A name well known to fans of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series having been Sir Terry’s “artist of choice” to visualise his works for many years, artist Paul Kidby
No mere domestic appliance graced with mobility and a dustpan and brush or egg whisk, Charles is much more than a robot, he is the gentleman’s gentlebot, a
John Grant is slipping unintentionally, and now that he has started he’s not sure how to stop, having departed in March 2071 but incongruously finding himself at the
“Withered blossoms were always on the ground amongst the grass, and on the stone fresh blooms constantly appeared,” and like rare blossoms fifteen stories from 1893 to 2018
It is perhaps fitting that a writer of mystery and the uncanny should present a mystery himself in his own final act, Ambrose Bierce a witness and chronicler
The vampire as portrayed in media, particularly of western origin, of a very specific mythology with any deviations from that regarded merely as variations from that baseline expectation,
Like evolution, science is iterative, incremental, a process which takes the approach of trial and error towards a blind future in the hope of finding something which functions