The light of science forever pushing the unknown further into the darker corners of the mind, human understanding does not change so rapidly as technology advances, new ideas
Along the fjords of Norway the sailing vessel Demeter heads north under the nominal command of Captain Van Vught, an expedition financed and guided by the ambitious and
His apparent nature during his life to be reclusive and his work predominantly set around the early 1700s, a hundred and fifty years before his birth, despite having
The enduring reputation of an author not necessarily the best measure of the quality of their writing, especially for an author who was not particularly prolific during their
One hundred and thirty-two years into its voyage the twenty-kilometre long Archimedes and its sister ships Bohr and Chandrasekhar are preparing to reignite their engines for braking day,
It was in London in 2067 when Lakshmi Nayak received the impossible letter, written by herself and containing equations of a proof she had never formulated, sent to
The shortest day arriving as the year crawls towards its weary end before the long road back to the warmth of summer begins, the traditions of Christmas and
Once winner of the Golden Shovel for investigative reporting and the first journalist on the scene of the assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme in February 1986,