Is it only a fellow writer who, when reading a great novel, speculates how much was conceived in a flood of inspiration at the moment of conception, and
Although the Edinburgh Film Festival had more to offer than this brief selection, commitments and finances, not to mention scheduling clashes, prevent even the most dedicated of reporters
In history and literature, there have been divided cities. Berlin, split politically; Belfast, separated by religion; Minas Tirith and Minas Ithil, beacons of light in Gondor, one of
London is not only a city unknown to outsiders, it is unknown even to residents. Superficially reminiscent of his previous novel, The City And The City, in which
When Ronald D. Moore and David Eick announced plans to re-make the sci-fi classic series Battlestar Galactica in 2004 they were met with scepticism and even outrage from