On Saturday 25th August, as part of the Media Guardian Edinburgh International Television Festival, the Edinburgh Filmhouse played host to a sold out screening of the first episode
While the stars may be the eventual destination of much science fiction, the first goal of two of the fathers of science fiction was closer and eminently more
First generation Trekkies such as myself (and I proudly scorn the Trekker label) know only too well how shamelessly Paramount-as-was kept putting out old wine in new bottles
Join GeekChocolate as we look back over the short run of a much maligned science fiction show and ask whether it would have been more successful had the
Twenty six years ago, a cultural phenomenon swept Britain. Almost thirteen years old, like all of my generation, I had grown up in a world of only three
So promised the opening sequence of the first two seasons of Battlestar Galactica. The implication was that the Cylons had a wider plan than that which was already
When Ronald D. Moore and David Eick announced plans to re-make the sci-fi classic series Battlestar Galactica in 2004 they were met with scepticism and even outrage from