Released in 2013 in its native Argentina under the title El Desierto (The Desert), the feature film debut of German writer/director Christoph Behl is a sombre affair, the
For better or worse, in many ways the film industry radically metamorphosed in the year 2012, no radiation or secret serums required. Sequels and franchises were nothing new,
The superhero universe is changing; where once a single hero was a brand who could carry a film, following the box office conquering might of The Avengers it’s
The expectations for Avengers: Age of Ultron are high, sequel to the third highest grossing film of all time with a global haul of $1.519 billion, however in
In the fourth standalone Star Wars title from Disney owned Marvel we see the studio for the first time stepping away from the original Star Wars characters and
Her father due to retire from his lifelong work as a coalminer, Samantha Marsh (Kelly Noonan) has returned from the big city to the town where she grew
Set in the same timeline as Marvel’s main ongoing Star Wars comic, between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, the Darth Vader series focuses on the