The thirteenth installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America: Civil War is the third headlining outing for supersoldier Steve Rogers, but is far from a solo outing,
With their sudden refocus on science fiction and the endless network craving for new properties to acquire and exploit, it should not have been a surprise when James
With the advent of the Space Race in the early nineteen sixties, the American film industry turned its attention once more to a genre which had been languishing
It was in the summer of 2014 that director Mike Buonaiuto launched his campaign via the Indigogo crowdfunding platform, the £22,842 he raised for his short film project
“They listen, the dead. They’re always listening. What else is there for them to do?” Taking his cue from the classic writers of supernatural fiction in his new
Following the huge critical and greater commercial success of 2012’s Skyfall, celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of James Bond’s cinematic adventures, director Sam Mendes had a hard act to
Back to the Future has been in at the front of public consciousness recently as the world celebrated “Back to the Future Day” on October 21st 2015. The
Ben Aaronovitch‘s Rivers of London series of novel has enjoyed great success and popularity, with the sixth in the series The Hanging Tree due out next year, so