Month: November 2017

House II: The Second Story

Nothing succeeds like success, and any edifice which defies expectation to rise significantly higher than anticipated is sure to inspire similar monuments. Released in February 1986, Steve Miner’s
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To make a successful film within a popular genre with a demanding fanbase can be difficult enough; to make a successful film which spans two genres can be
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The Watcher in the Woods

The cycles of time repeat, solstices and eclipses and the rituals which have become associated with them through decades and centuries of repetition, their original meanings distorted or
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Justice League

A controversial figure in life, the death of Superman has wounded the world far more deeply than could ever have been anticipated, almost as if the last beacon
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“Beauty isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” So ran the tagline of The Neon Demon, directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, but the concept could equally well apply to
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